Allow Client Credentials Flow in ASP.NET & Microsoft.Identity.Web

For authenticating Entra ID users & services in ASP.NET you’re probably using the Microsoft.Identity.Web with some initialization code looking something like this in your Program.cs:

This will configure authentication based on the values stored in your appsettings’ “AzureAd” section. And it should work fine with “normal” users, but it will not accept Tokens from a Client Credentials Flow that might be used for Service-to-Service communications.

Continue reading Allow Client Credentials Flow in ASP.NET & Microsoft.Identity.Web

Service-to-Service comminucation with Refit & Client Credentials Flow for Entra ID

For a recent project I needed my ASP.NET Core backend service to talk to an external license server using the Entra ID Client Credentials Flow for authentication. For these scenarios I like using Refit to generate the required http client logic. And adding auth for Entra ID is pretty straight forward as well if you know which libraries to use.

Continue reading Service-to-Service comminucation with Refit & Client Credentials Flow for Entra ID

Read request headers in Azure Functions v4 with Node

I often have to read information from request headers in Azure Functions. For example to get the User Object ID that made an authenticated call. This is a bit more tricky than just calling request.headers[‘x-ms-client-principal-id‘]. This is valid TypeScript but will always be undefined!

Continue reading Read request headers in Azure Functions v4 with Node