UWP has a very nice app update mechanism outside of the store that allows you to publish new releases to a public-facing website – and UWP taking care of the rest. And while the docs recommend Azure Web Apps for this, you can get the same results for a lot cheaper using the Static Websites feature in Azure BLOB Storage.
Continue reading Auto-Update UWP Apps over Azure BLOB Storage Static WebsitesTag: UWP
WebView & UWP – Freeing up Memory
This week I was working on a Universal Windows Platform app that needs to show a website inside a WebView for several hours at a time. Unfortunately after a few hours the app took all the RAM it could get due to some memory leaks inside the WebView which I don’t have any control over.
My first attempt to fix this was to refresh the site periodically. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to release the memory – I think it made things even worse. So I tried a different method, which works quite well for now.
MCP23017-E/SP with DragonBoard 410c on Windows 10 IoT Core
The last few days I was trying to add additional GPIO ports to a DragonBoard 410c running Windows 10 IoT Core. I chose a MCP23017-E/SP chip that will provide you with 16 extra GPIO pins through I2C. Getting it to work is actually not that hard, if you can (unlike me) avoid those few nasty pitfalls.
Continue reading MCP23017-E/SP with DragonBoard 410c on Windows 10 IoT Core
DragonBoard GPIO-ports erweitern mit MCP23017-ESP und Windows 10 IoT Core
Die letzten Tage habe ich mit dem Versuch verbracht, mithilfe eines MCP23017-E/SP-Chips einem DragonBoard 410c zusätzliche 16 GPIO-Ports hinzuzufügen und diese über Windows 10 IoT Core zu steuern. Eigentlich nicht so schwer, wenn man die “kleinen” Stolpersteine kennt.
Continue reading DragonBoard GPIO-ports erweitern mit MCP23017-ESP und Windows 10 IoT Core